Use the Cars Auto Calculator to estimate your monthly car payments and annual fuel costs based on your vehicle’s price, loan terms, and fuel efficiency.

Car Payment Calculation Formula

The following formula is used to calculate the monthly payment for a car loan:

Monthly Payment = (Car Price * Monthly Interest Rate) / (1 - (1 + Monthly Interest Rate)^(-Loan Term))


  • Monthly Payment is the amount you pay each month ($)
  • Car Price is the total price of the car ($)
  • Loan Term is the duration of the loan in months
  • Interest Rate is the annual interest rate (%)

To calculate the monthly payment, multiply the car price by the monthly interest rate and divide by the difference of one minus the result of one plus the monthly interest rate raised to the power of negative loan term.

What is Car Payment Calculation?

Car payment calculation refers to the process of determining how much you will pay each month for your car loan. This involves understanding the total price of the car, the interest rate, and the length of the loan. Accurate calculations help in budgeting and financial planning for car ownership.

How to Calculate Monthly Car Payments?

The following steps outline how to calculate your monthly car payments using the given formula:

  1. First, determine the total price of the car you wish to purchase.
  2. Next, find out the interest rate offered by your lender.
  3. Decide on the loan term, which is the number of months you will take to repay the loan.
  4. Use the formula provided above to calculate your monthly payment.
  5. After calculating, compare your result with the calculator above to ensure accuracy.

Example Problem:

Use the following variables as an example problem to test your knowledge.

Car Price = $30,000

Loan Term = 60 months

Interest Rate = 4%


1. What is the difference between the monthly payment and the total cost of the car?

The monthly payment is the amount you pay each month, while the total cost of the car includes all payments made over the loan term, including interest.

2. How can I reduce my monthly car payment?

You can reduce your monthly payment by increasing your down payment, choosing a longer loan term, or negotiating a lower interest rate.

3. What factors affect my car loan interest rate?

Your credit score, the length of the loan, the type of vehicle, and the lender’s policies can all affect the interest rate you receive.

4. Is it better to buy or lease a car?

It depends on your financial situation and driving habits. Buying a car means you own it outright after the loan is paid, while leasing typically offers lower monthly payments but you do not own the vehicle at the end of the lease.

5. Can I use this calculator for different types of vehicles?

Yes, the calculator can be used for any vehicle as long as you input the correct price, loan terms, and interest rates.